These standard sets include the instruments most commonly used for the designated procedure. Additional instruments may be needed for your particular use. Please contact your DDP representative for details on purchasing additional instruments.
Hand Surgery Instrument Set - Basic
Quantity Instruments
1 Steel Ruler 6"
1 Scalpel Handle #3
1 Scalpel Handle #4
1 Kocher Forceps Curved 1x2 5 1/2"
1 Kocher Forceps Straight 1x2 5 1/2"
2 Barrett Ten Forceps Delicate 5 3/4"
1 Derf Nh Serrated 4 3/4" Tc
1 Crile Wood Nh Serrated Nar/jw 6"tc
1 Ryder Nh Micro Serrated 6" Tc
1 Stevens Tenot Delicate Curved S/s 41/2
1 Stevens Tenot Delicate Curved Bb 4 1/2
1 Metz Lahey Scissors Curved 4 1/2"
1 Semkin Dress Forceps Delicate 5" Serr
2 Semkin Tiss Forceps Delicate 1x2 5"
1 Miller Senn Retractor Shrp D/e 6"
1 Iris Scissors St Ss 4 1/2
1 Iris Scissors Curved Ss 41/2
1 Mayo Diss Straight 51/2
1 Mayo Diss Curved 51/2
1 Metz Lahey Curved 5 3/4
3 Hartman Mosquito Str 31/2
3 Hartmann Msq Curved31/2
6 Halsted Mosquito Straight 5"
6 Halsted Mosquito Curved 5
1 Adson Dress Ser 43/4
2 Adson Tiss 1x2 4 3/4
1 Adson Brown Sd/grsp 43/4
1 Allis Forceps 4x5 6
1 Allis Forceps 4x5 5
1 Freer D/e Elev S/b 7 1/4"
2 Joseph Hook 1/pr Sh 6 1/4"
2 Joseph Hook 2/pr Sh 6 1/4" 2mm
2 Backhaus Towel Clamp 3 1/2"
6 Backhaus Towel Clamp 5 1/4"
1 Cushing Nerve/vein Retractor 9"
1 Frazier Suction Tube 7fr
1 Frazier Suction Tube 8fr
1 Us Army Retractor Set/2 D/e 8 1/4"
1 Senn D/e Retractor Sharp 6"
2 Ballengr Spong Forceps Straight Serrated 7"
2 Ballnger Sponge Forceps Curved 7" Ser
2 Foerster Sponge Serrated Straight 91/2"
1 Reynolds Scissors Nar Tip Curved 6
1 Crile D/e Retractor 4 1/2"